31 Aug 2014

Heritage a new venture born In France for China

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Heritage is born in France created by Antoine Riondet.

重点关注 – 法国、欧洲和美洲大陆的独立小酿酒商出产的Artisan葡萄酒 – 采用未喷洒杀虫剂的葡萄酿制的有机葡萄酒 – 来自法国各个地区的葡萄酒波尔多、勃艮第、郎格多克、罗纳河谷、香槟省等 Specializing in – Artisan wines made by small independent French, European and New World winemakers – Organic wines made from pesticide-free grapes – Wines from all regions of France: Bordeaux, Burgundy, Languedoc, Rhone Valley, Champagne, etc.

Antoine Riondet:  CEO and visionary


Antoine hails from a distinguished and old family in Lyon, France, a city  south  of Burgundy that has been acclaimed for its contributions to gastronomy and the silk trade since the reign of Louis XIV. Grounded by his profound sense of history, Antoine, who holds a WSET certification and was formally trained in Burgundy and Bordeaux, France, continues his family’s tradition of trading with China – a source of pride that dates back to the nineteenth century.

Federico Restrepo: Head of image

费德里科的父亲是一名著名的哥伦比亚建筑师,母亲是一位艺术总监,因而他生来就拥有一双专为设计而生的眼睛此外他本人还是Atelier Federico Restrepo Paris 的总管理。 从巴黎La Sorbonne大学的逻辑和哲学系取得学位并毕业后费德里科在巴黎经营过数家设计机构,并且八年前在中国安顿下来。30年来,费德里科曾经担任过顶级钟表、珠宝、时装、皮革饰件、香槟和酒类品牌的品牌顾问与艺术指导。

Federico, the son of a renowned Colombian architect and an Art Director and CEO of Atelier Federico Restrepo Paris, was born with an eye for design. After graduating with degrees in logic and philosophy from La Sorbonne University, Federico operated several design agencies in Paris and settled in China eight years ago. Federico has been a Brand Consultant and Art Director for top watch, jewellery, fashion, leather accessories, champagne and spirit brands for over thirty years.

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